hysop.domain.domain module

Abstract interfaces for physical domains description. * Domain * DomainView

class hysop.domain.domain.Domain(dim, parent_comm=None, proc_tasks=None, **kwds)[source]

Bases: RegisteredObject

Abstract base class for the description of physical domains.

Initialize this object. If self._initialized was already set to True, raise a RuntimeError. Else, set self._initialized to True.

static __new__(cls, dim, parent_comm=None, proc_tasks=None, **kwds)[source]

Create or get an existing physical domain of given dim on a specified MPI communicator and specific tasks.

  • dim (integer, optional) – dim of the domain.

  • parent_comm (MPI.Intracomm, optional) – Parent communicator which may be split. If not given this will be hysop.core.mpi.main_comm.

  • proc_tasks (tuple of ints or tuples of int, optional) – Mapping between mpi process rank and task identifier. If not given all procs will be on task HYSOP_DEFAULT_TASK_ID.


Dimension of the domain.




Mapping between mpi process rank and task identifier.


tuple of ints or tuples of int


Return the parent communicator used to create this domain.




Return the rank of the process in the parent communicator.




Return the communicator that owns the current process. This is the sub-communicator which has been obtained by splitting the parent communicator by colors (proc_tasks).




Return the rank of the process in the task communicator.




Dictionary of all topologies already built on this domain with topology ids as keys and Topology as values.




*Parent communicator is split/subgrouped according to proc_tasks. *About MPI Tasks

proc_tasks[n] = 12 means that task 12 owns proc n

or equivalently that proc n is dedicated to task 12.

proc_tasks[n] = (12, 13) means that proc n is dedicated to both tasks 12 and 13.

*Examples of supported mapping:
  • None or [1,1,1,1] : Single task (nothing more to do)

  • [1,2,2,2] : disjoint tasks (two task_comm created by Comm_Split and one intercommunicator for each other task)

  • [(1,2), (1,2), (2,), (2,)] : nested tasks (use the largest task intracommunicator as inter-task communication)

  • [(1,), (1,2), (2,), (2,)] : non zero intersection (Not handled yet)

  • [(1,2), (1,), (2,), (2,)] : non zero intersection with same leader (Not handled yet)

*A dupped parent_comm will return another idenpendent domain instance,

because MPI communicators are hashed trough their python object id.


Register a new topology on this domain. Do nothing if an equivalent topology is already in the list.


Remove a topology from the list of this domain. Do nothing if the topology does not exist in the list.

abstract view(topology_state)[source]

Return a view of this domain altered by some topology_state.

class hysop.domain.domain.DomainView(topology_state, domain=None, **kwds)[source]

Bases: TaggedObjectView

Abstract base class for views on domains.

Create and initialize a DomainView.

static __new__(cls, topology_state, domain=None, **kwds)[source]

Create and initialize a DomainView.


Equivalent to self.long_description()

property all_tasks

Return all task id.


Get task number of the current mpi process. Return always the first task in case of multi-tasks


Get task number of the current mpi process. Return always a tuple ot taks id

property dim

Return the dimension of the domain.

property domain

Return the domain on which the view is on.

property frame

Get symbolic frame associated to this domain.


Return the communicator that owns the current process. This is the sub-communicator which has been obtained by splitting. the parent communicator by colors (proc_tasks).

property has_tasks

Return if the domains contains 2 tasks or more.


Test if the current process corresponds to param task.

abstract long_description()[source]

Return a long description of this domain as a string.

property machine_comm

Return the communicator that owns the current process. This is the sub-communicator which has been obtained by splitting. the parent communicator by machine name.

property machine_rank

Return the rank of the process in the machine communicator.

property parent_comm

Return the parent communicator used to create this domain.

property parent_rank

Return the rank of the process in the parent communicator.


Print all topologies registered on the domain.

property proc_tasks

Return mapping between mpi process rank and task identifier.

property registered_topologies

Return the dictionary of all topologies already built on this domain, with topology ids as keys and Topology as values.

abstract short_description()[source]

Return a short description of this domain as a string.

property task_comm

Return the intercommunicator that owns the current process with the other task given.


Get task identifier for a given mpi process (parent communicator rank).


Return the rank of the process in the task communicator.


Return the rank of the root process in the parent communicator

tasks_overlapping(ta, tb)[source]